Monday, December 7, 2009

Eminent Domain: What do you think?

I hope you all enjoyed the lesson on eminent domain. I think you all learned quite a bit, and hopefully you've already gone home and shared with your families what you've learned about this important issue. I hope that understand that anyone can be affected by this government "tool." Now I want you to sound off – I want to know what you think. Here's a little something to get you started:

"This is America. This is a country with free enterprise. You have all the rights to own your property, your own home, your own business. You have the right to build your American dream."

"The use of eminent domain is a delicate tool, but it is a tool and it helps keep a community clean; it helps keep a community vibrant. It's a good tool and, definitely, I don't think it should be taken away."

These are quotes by two of the people interviewed in the film Unintended Consequences: Eminent Domain. Use them to get your thoughts rolling. Does eminent domain have a role to play in our communities? What should government do to protect private property rights? What can we do as citizens to ensure that these rights are protected? I don't expect you to answer the questions directly (but you may as part of your thought process). These questions are intended to help you think about the issue.

This will be an open forum, which means your comments should post immediately. Do not copy the thoughts of those that post before you, but you can certainly work off of them. That means that you can comment on a comment – you can disagree, agree, or just comment on the thoughts of someone else – but give me your ideas.

Here are few links:
An interesting story from CBS News

Your comments must be posted by the of Sunday, December 13 (midnight).


Unknown said...

Eminent Domain is a tool the government takes for granted. Alot of times a they miss use it they use it for businesses and say it is going to collet more tax. Or for privet use. Eminent Domain is suposs to be for public use of to help the public. I think that it sometimes would be better not to have Eminent Domain.

alexxis said...

i think its kinda pointless and selfish of the city to be taking peoples houses and not giving them the fair amount of money to buy a new house with the prices of houses these days.

Brieanna said...

I agree with chelcee the government does take eminent Domain for granted if your going to force someone out of there home it should be for an good reason not silly things like bigger parking spaces it should be used for important things like Schools, hospitals, etc.......

Ethan M. said...

I agree with Chelcee about the goverment taking Eminent Domain for granted. I think that Eminent Domain should only be used if it is ok with the person who's land they are using. I also think that we would probaly be better off with out Eminent Domain.

cody .s said...

I agree with chelcee. the government is selfish when it comes to eminent domain. they should only use this if its ok with the owners of that property!

Hannah said...

I like Eminent Domain when its used correctly for taking private property and useing it for public use like a library or a hopital. I don't like that the owner dosn't have a choice in weather they whant to keep there property or not and i don't think its fair that they are payed what there house may or may not be worth. It also bugs me that people are using Eminent Domain to sell to companies,shops and buisneses with better sales tax.

Unknown said...

I agree with cody and ethan thay should ask the owners. But like alexxis seid about how much it cost for houses these days how meny people do you think will give up there homes? But when the government dose take the houses they dont give you enough money to buy a decent house. The government is extremly unfair they only care about money. I would like to see how much they like it if there lives were effected by eminent domain.

Stephen T said...

I agree with chelcee aswell, because the government doesnt really care about people's opinions they just want to earn more money so they can make the area a public use. But in the process they are taring down people's homes and buisness that the people worked hard to get. and they dont give a fair amount of money for their homes and buisnesses. they probably give them 1/4 of what the property is really worth.

Willis m said...

i agree with you all because they dont care about people's property. Lot of people do work hard for what they got they don't just sit home every day and do nothing. they work hard for it.

Unknown said...

Good start. Let's keep it going - we need the others on here.

Remember, talk to your parents about it. They will probably have some strong opinions about Eminent Domain.

Hannah said...

I asked my parents don't like Eminent Domain they said that its unfair to take a persons home and force you to move and that its unfair what they pay you for it. Some people have sent most of there life in one house they grew up in the house and to have to leave it my parents think is rong.

Unknown said...

I agree with everybody that has commented so far. My personal opinion is that Eminent Domain can be a good thing for some communities but not so hot for others. But whenever the government takes a house with out giving the person enough money to start another house somewhere else that's not fair at all. I also think they should at least ask the person instead of just taking it. I know EVERYONE learned when they were little the rule don't take anything that doesn't belong to you,right? Well shouldn't the same rule apply to Eminent Domain?

Willis m said...

i agree to that it could be a good thing. Because if some one is not using something then that is diffrent. My opinion is that if someone is using something why bother them. Because it probably took a long time to get what they got.

elisabeth said...

i think when they made the constitution they had not planned that people would not have been so selfish to use eniment domain for their own personal good.eminent domain should be used for the good of society, not to let bigger businesses over run smaller businesses just because they produce more tax. it should be used for public uses only. for example: schools, roads, etg. so basicly what im trying to say is, i agree with chelcee.

Yari Smith said...

I think that Eminent Domain should be something only used when completely necessary or if the property owners are ok with it. Especially in cases where the property has a lot of meaning to the person. Maybe it would be much better if the receiving of the land was determined by a judge.

savannah said...

yeah chelcee they domiss use it and i hate that but when it is used the write way i think it is a good thing. yeah and sometimes i think it is better to not have eminent domain either

savannah said...

yeah hanna i think it is good when it is used correctly but i think it should be used only when needed

Brieanna R said...

Yea i agree with alexxis 2 eminent domain is something that the goverment talkes for granted and its very selfish

Willis M said...

I also believe tht eminent domain takes over people right to live at a home. And people should have rights to fight against eminent domain instead of the government just taking it. They should care about where others live like they care about they home. If we take away they home they would feel what they are doing to others. And then thell realize that they not doing a good thing they are making others lives harder then it should be.

Matthew F said...

You're right Willis. Eminent domain takes our rights away our property rights. We deserve the right to keep our house whether you want us to give it up to build a road or not. I feel bad for the people who lived on Blairstone Road that lost their houses when it was expanded.

ARTRUSIK said...

I think we already have anough roads, schools, other public places and or things. So i don't thing we really NEED Eminent Domain. I think while we were getting our counry together and back in the 20th and below century we needed it but not now!!!

ARTRUSIK said...

I agree with brookyln that it might be good for like little cities where like nobody lives but not big cities, towns, etc.

ARTRUSIK said...

I also agree with Stephen because i dont think they give them what the house is REALLY worth!!

tyler said...

ithink eminent domain is good as long as its for a good use and you get a fair amount of money for what they take away from you eminent domain can be good and bad at the same time

Unknown said...

your right guys eminent domain is good, bad, and miss used why do we need it? 4 hospitals, schools, and other public things but do we realy need it now?we have like 100 schools in each state more or less about 50 hospitals in each and numbers parks, stores, and other things. we are 1 of the most weathy contery in 6the world and we all got therefrom a little book and now those rights we have are being miss used even if its a littel thing they change it can chage something bigger.eminent domain is good at time to time but it is not a nessecity any more in this cintury.

savannah said...

yeah i talked to my parents and they thought that we dont even really ned it enless it is used the right way if its not then we shouldnt have it

savannah said...

yeah i think they should ask the owners to cause if the owners have been there for a while and they probaly dont want to let them just knock it down, but if it is used correctly for certain and important things then i think it is a good

Unknown said...

I don't like it. It's for losers! Because the miss use it alot for like a larger parking lot or something.Eminent Domain was made fro stupid reasons, but if they give triple of what my property is worth then I love Eminent Domain.

Unknown said...

Eminent Domain is a process that the government takes your property to use for a publix use. Everybody who has commented on here so far are pretty much going up against Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain makes much more since when they take some one's property and use it correctly for something like a hospital, library, school, etc. I think the government should talk to the people before hand and give them a idea of what they are doing and ask their opinion on all of it. I also agree with Yari about Eminent Domain only being used when completely nessacary and not being used for expanding parking lots. Thats my personal opinion on Eminent Domain that we need it and we don't both at the same time. I hope everyone takes this all to consider and adds on to your ideas.

Vontravia O said...

I agree with both Chelcee,and Brieanna.Eminent Domain really isnt right how they treat people.They should kick no one out their house if it isnt for a good cause.