Thursday, September 10, 2009

The President's Address to American Students: Your chance to talk back!

While the president's speech lacked any of the controversy that many had expected, it did raise some important questions that I think deserve a closer look.

In the days leading up to President Obama's speech, there was a lot of talk about schools or classes boycotting the speech, about parents refusing to allow their children to view the speech, and even of kid's themselves choosing to "opt-out." As a history teacher I began to worry, "Is this kind of reaction good for our democracy?" I, of course, believe that dissent is healthy in our kind of system. People should speak up when they disagree with our political leaders. Not only is this a fundamental right, but our civic duty to do so. What do you think about this? Should students be exposed to views from all sides? Why?

Having now watched the speech, and given its straight forward message, what do you think about it? Do you think that the president was right to avoid discussing any of the big political issues of the day?

I talked with a few 8th grade students after they viewed the speech in class, and they thought that it was the same kind of message that they hear from their teachers and parents all of the time - stay in school, work hard , and so on. If that is true, then does that kind of message have a bigger impact on students when they hear it from someone like the president? If so, why?

Finally, I think it is worth comparing the president's speech to those of some of his predecessors. Watch the speeches of Presidents Reagan and Bush (the 1st President Bush) provided below. How are they different or similar to President Obama's in style and substance? Who's is most powerful? Which do you think had a bigger impact on students when they were delivered? Do you think that speeches like this are worth a president time to prepare or deliver?

I look forward to your comments.

President Obama's Speech

President Obama’s Message for America’s Students from White House on Vimeo.

Click here for President Bush's Speech.

President Reagan's Speech

As always, I encourage you to share your work with your parents. I also welcome parent comments on our blog.


cody .s said...

I dont know why people didnt watch the speech it was very educational too me. I leaned alot from it!

savannah t said...

Yeah it does have a real big impact on students when they hear it from our president than our parents cause are president is like the head over all of us and he wouldn't tell us this if it didn't mean anything or if it wasn't going to affect our futures so that is what i think!!!!!

tyler said...

yeah i think the obama speech was a good message i dont think anybody could disagree with it


Savannah t said...

I think you are write cody people need to pay attention cause i thought it was educational to!!!!

Savnnah T said...

i would have to say that students should be able to hear both sides cause if they didnt they wouldnt under stand what is going onin the world!!!

CHELCEE R said...


savannah t said...

i agree chelcee they do!

Florjena said...

Eh I don't get those parents on the news were like "My kid isn't going to school because of that speech".... I mean it's a speech and all the other presidents did a speech for school and the parents they didn't get mad at the other ones. Ha I think it's silly to be mad at a speech.

cody .s said...

i agree with chelcee

Hannah B said...

I think all students should should be exposed to this speach cause theres a powerful mesage in the speach that I think everyone should hear.

Hannah B said...

It was an impowering speach with an important message!!!

Hannah B said...

I think it dosn't matter who says the speach but the message it carries..

Unknown said...

What i don't understand is why certain people didn't watch the speach all he said was that he thought it was important to stay in school and work hard to get a good job and work for your dreams and you can achive just look at him he is president of the usa

Unknown said...

anyone could say the speach its still a good message

Unknown said...

chelcee is right

Unknown said...

yeah i agree with you florjenathat is very true they let there kids go for all the other presidents speeches but not this speech so yeah i agree wuth you

Unknown said...

tyler i do not agree with you cause people did disagree with the Obama speech so thats what i think

Unknown said...

your right hanna i think the speech was inpowering to

Unknown said...

heres another thing i dont get is everone let their kids watch Ronold Ragins speach but not Obama's thats wrong

tyler said...

its just a speech there's no powerful message anybody could say what Obama said its a good message but just not powerful


Hannah B said...

i disagree
there is a message and that message is saying that no matter how many times you fale never give up always try your hardest.

Hannah B said...

I like all of your opinions there all true.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

i disagree too tyler it should make people feel like they can succeed thats the power inthe message

Unknown said...

Good job so far. Remember to pay attention to spelling, grammar, capitalization of proper nouns, etc.

Keep it up.

Unknown said...

yeah tyler i do not believe you cause it was a very powerful speech so yeah that is my opinion

Unknown said...

shelby i agree with you cause people listen to other speeches but they do not listen to Obamas spech so yes i do believe you and understand were you are coming from

elisabeth n. said...

I agree with you too shelby but i don't get why some parents would not let their kids see the speech. it might because of his race.

Florjena said...

Ha-ha well I'm just saying what I think, but still it's abnormal of years in the past that they liked the other speeches but they are mad at Obama giving a speech like the other ones.

Ashlee T said...

I agree with everyone because (iknow people are probably getting tired of hearing this) but i think it's just a speech and prbably all the parents out there that did'nt want their children to listen to the speech didn't even listen their selfs! > <

Anonymous said...

I think the speech sent a good message to kids to not give up in life and to make bigger plans like college and all. It is cool that the president is taking the time to speak to students for their future goals. It doesnt matter if you like Obama or not or wanted to vote for him or not. What he said about learning from your mistakes and to keep trying even because you made bad choices is something everyone should try to do.
Jacob Geiger

Anonymous said...

Nice thoughts, savannah t. I also agree that it is important coming from the president and its impact because we get tired of hearing it from our parents and it is pretty cool hearing it from someone famous.
Jacob G

Anonymous said...

i watched the speech at home because i was sick but i really think that it was great that he took time out of his busy day to talk to us. alexxis

Hanna, (not Johanna) said...

President Obama's speech really got across to many children across the United States. Obama made a good choice to try to make an impact on everyone and makes sure they try there best. This speech made total sense and any child would be able to listen/watch this video and understand. I too agree with Savannah every child should be able to hear both sides not just their parent/guardian's thoughts. All those adults who took their child out of school because of the speech. . i think that is ridiculous even though they didn't vote for Obama they should let their child hear what Obama has to say. Another thing i thought was a good idea was to take maybe 20 minutes out of a class was smart instead of HALF the United States not being able to see this because of maybe some children at home have no television to watch this video on, and/or adults keeping their children from seeing this video because of his race/vote. This message most likely made far out to everyone to never give up in life always try your best no matter how many times you fail.

HANNNNNAAA!(: (not johanna) said...

I pretty much agree with everyone, about their opinions. . . it makes total sense!

Ethan M. said...

Athough dont agree with Obama as a person, but I do agree with his message in his speech because it set a good example for all kids.

chelcee r said...

i think that people don't lision to obama becuse of what he is doing in the economey what he says is bacily what the other persadents speeches were about staying in school, do whats right, don't give up

chelcee r said...

i agree with ethan you don't have to like obama just lison to him don't juge him just give him a chance

Yari Smith said...

I think students should be exposed to views from all sides so that there opinion isn't formed by those of the people they are usually around, like there parents or friends

Vontravia O. said...

i agree with yari it do not matter who say the message as long as the students hear it and understand what that person is talking about.

Brieanna R said...

I think that everone has there own opinion on what obam's speech was to the i myself think that his speech was very educational and everyone scould watch it

Unknown said...

the speaches are all impowering but certain kids cant listen to obamas just cuz some people dont like obamas plans whats up with that and why would people say that those kids cant watch the speach and the parents dont watch it first

Hanna E said...

Haven't any of you ever heard the saying "don't judge a book by its cover."? thanks exactly what many Americans are doing right now. They wouldn't like their child to listen to what Obama has to say, because of his color or what they believe he is doing in the economy. To think of what these adults are doing to their own children taking their child out of school for no good reason just because they don't want their child too watch or believe any of this is very dull of them. So guys take all of this too consider.

Hanna E said...

Many other people out of this class have discussed this Obama speech with me. One thing that caught my attention was, my friend's mother said "Obama shouldn't have took my child's learning time away from them, to talk about something i may not even want my child to watch with out me there." After this mother saw Obama's speech to students she thought all of her hassle to take her child out of school wasn't worth it, and maybe next time she would think more. This is another example maybe some of you may agree with and may not... I just wanted to put that out there. I don't agree with what she was thinking but i want to show to everyone maybe you should think before you act.

Willis said...

I agree you never know what wwill be said.

Willis said...

If you sit down and watch the speech you never know what will happen it could benefit what will be going on with your education.

Brooklyn Mc said...

I agree with all of yall, people need to listen to obama and see what he has to say and i dont think that some kids should hsve missed that video ...but thats their loss

Anonymous said...

haha, your right BROOKLYN! it is just there loss not to listen to such a wonderful speech.

Yari Smith said...

I think Obama should gladly speak his thoughts and opinion, I mean the majority of America agrees with him. Beside not talking about what he's going to do isn't going to change it. I dont see why parents would think listening to someone elses opinion would be bad for there kids