Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Has the "Dream" been realized?

During this third week of January 2009, we both celebrate history and witness history in the making. On Monday, we celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – remembering the contributions of the civil rights leader. In his most famous speech, delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., King spoke of his dream – a dream of racial equality. He spoke at a time when African Americans suffered indignities such as being refused service in restaurants, being forced to ride in the back of public buses, to drink from black only water fountains, and much more. While our country has made great strides in the areas of race relations and racial equality, few can deny that racism still exist – in some areas of the country more than others.

It’s fitting around this time of year to reflect on MLK’s life and work. One question that we often ask is whether or not his dream has been realized. Have we come far enough? Have the barriers to racial equality been torn down sufficiently enough? If King was alive today (he would be 80-years-old this year), would he be satisfied with the progress that has been made? Has King’s dream been realized?

It is, perhaps, especially fitting to ask these questions this year. On Tuesday, one day after MLK Day, our nation’s first African American president was sworn into office. It was not very long ago that it would have been difficult to find someone who believed that this historic event would happen anytime soon. For many it must seem like a huge leap forward for African Americans. Is it? Does the election of Barack Obama signal the achievement of King’s dream? Regardless of who you supported in our last election, you cannot ignore that history has been made. Is the election of Barack Obama an achievement for all African Americans? Does he represent the “Dream” for all Americans of color – black, Hispanic, etc.?

Some have argued that there is no real connection between the election of Obama and the struggles of the average African American. Who’s right, those that see the election of President Obama as a realization of Martin Luther King’s dream, or those that feel we still have a long way to go?

What do you think? Avoid simple answers. Give me real thought. Read the comments of those posting before you. Come back after you post, and continue to keep up with additional posts until the deadline. I want a real conversation. Invite your parents to read the blog, and they can even comment. Enjoy!

Note: I'm including both King's "I Have a Dream" speech and Obama's inaguaral address.


Anna said...

no doubt about it, Barak Obama has just taken a leap. just like Martin Luther King did when he spoke and said one of the most commonly knowing saying "i have a dream". i think they were fighting for the same things. without Martin King, ponder how America, and even the world would be like! without that brave man, having a black president wouldn't have even been thinkable! both of them are not the same, Martin was shot for some thing he truly cared about and knew that he can make a difference. Barak and all other African Americans can endure now, many things that they couldn't do "100 years ago"(or so?). before they were looked at like outsiders from another planet.now are like any other white person. we are now all one America. Barak Obama has kind of done the same thing, but on a bigger scale. now he leads America!!!!!! (even though i didn't vote for him)he has changed America!!! in 4 years from today, i wonder how many Africans will run, now that Barak has opened the cap to greater leaders.

Anna said...

I was the first one!!!

Anonymous said...

okkay, weelll, I agree with Anna.
I also think that Martin Luther Kink's dream came true because we are no longer segragated. There will still be people out there that treat people diffrently because of their skin color, but i think that overall, MLK's dream has come true. I think that alot of African Americans will be happy with the election, because not long ago, no one would have thought that somone of color would be the president. I think that it is a big step up because now they feel like they are being treated more equal and that if he can do it, so can they.
I also dont think that just because there is a black president, that all other nationalites in America will automaticaly have more freedom.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anna and Marra. Mlk dream came true. If he had not stood up, then Obama would not have become the president. If MLK was here, he would have been very happy that people who have who have different colored skins also have the same rights as the whites. But in some of the areas, there are still people who are against other people who have different colored skins. We have not yet achieved MLK goal but we are getting there.

Anonymous said...

i also agree with Aarti.


Darya said...

Hey Sierra and Anna! Did you have fun on Sunday night!!!???!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that MLK and Obama have no relation at all. I would not be here if it wasn't for MLK. MLK's "I HAVE A DREAM" speech had alot of effect on where we are today as a country. Obama may have won first African- American president, but there is no connection between the two. Barack Obama (as you can tell) looks up to MLK.

Darya said...

Your just mad Obama won Brian. JK

Feepert said...

I belive that Obama has strived more than a regular african american, he strived so far that he became president. He may of not been able to become president, but MLK sure saved Obama, as Obama would make MLK very happy to see that the borders of racism are slowly breaking.

Anonymous said...

I think that Martin luther king would be very proud of what the world is like now because it did not become exactly perfect but it became better then it was when he was alive. I think we have went far but not far enough and it might get better but in more years to come. Also i think that Obama and has just changed the world just like MLK did because MLK's dream is coming even more realistic.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I tottlay belive thet Obama wuz inspired by MLKjr who isn't!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Well except those stupid racists. What is the problem with those guys? They are so disrespectful. How would they like being shunned all the time because they are not white as milk. I have a dream that in the future, 8 years from now (when im legally allowed to vote.) I think there will be many qualified Africans inspiring people like theyre saints, making promises thet will most likely come true within the future, like Obama said: it will take a long hard process, but he will try and live up to those to his promises and become one of the best presidents there has ever been! And be quiet all you people who do NOT agree with me. u have a democratic president, DEAL WITH IT!!!!

Unknown said...

Sarah that means ur 10 years old! Whats up wit dat?!

Anna said...

i totally disagree with brian! and i thought it was totally awesome-Darya

Anna said...

and ophelia, there is an election every 4 years.

12+4(years)= 16 years old (not able to vote)

12+4+4(years)= 20 (able to vote!!!)

Unknown said...

OHHHHHHH I get it now thank you Anna for explaining it 2 me. It's nice to know u can add 12+4!!! HAHAHahAHAHAH

Unknown said...

I completely disagree with mr crews. I think that Obama could have never become president, let alone run for president without MLK sharing his opinion with the world. I think that MLK would be extremely proud of the country that we have become. Sure segregation would have eventually been stopped but how much later?? It could still be going on if it wasn't for MLK so i say thanks Martin.

Anna said...


Anna said...

true dat clay clay

Unknown said...

I think Obama had kind of the same idea with a change just as MLK...They both talked about how it is time for a change in their speeches, not exactly for the same thing MLK with equal right..And Barak Obama with his ideas with how he will change the way things are being done currently in America. When you put Obama and MLK together their not fighting for the same thing but they both are one great bump in history that will be remembered forever...

Unknown said...

Good start. Keep it up. Remember, stick to the subject.

Unknown said...

Yeah people start talkin about Obama and MLK!!! I personally think has been realized but other people might disagree!!!!!

Anna said...

mr. Veliz..... darya and ophelia aren't even in this class!!!

Unknown said...

You no what it's none of ur buisness!!!!! I can blog wherever I wnat.

Unknown said...

i agree with sarah and anna and sierra.

Unknown said...

i an not rasist or any thing but i think that obama might not be the best choice for pres. right now.

Anonymous said...

thnx marina u rock, but i dont think that obama is a bad guy, he is totaly gunna b a good prez. dont disrepect him. he roks

Anna said...

wow, ophelia

Unknown said...

I personally think we are 2 young to be so opionated. Its good to be involved in our political status, but we shouldnt act so mature because we really dont know alot. So all those kids Yelling McCain or Obama, chill out.

Anna said...

oph: true dat. but...... it truley doesn't matter anymore because Obama is president!

Unknown said...

Hey only josh can call me josaphine Darya!!

Unknown said...

Cause we love e period!!

Anna said...

u beter! STAY ON TOPIC

Anonymous said...

Barak Obama i agree has just made history, big history. I think that Martin Luther King Jr's message and dream have been fufilled already though. All humans are equal, black, white, Hispanic, ect. A lot has changed since he has died. Black people and white people can be friends, married now. Martin Luther was a big part of life and he would be proud of how the world has ended up. He and Barak would be great friends probably. those people around the wourld who are racist need to realize that the blacks and the whites are the same. Yea black people are fast and have ups but that is no reason to be a racist! Barak is the leader of the greatest nation in the world now and some people thought he was going to be assasinated but those assasinators just need to realize that if at least half of the world votes for a black guy they are just as important in life as white people. I mean look at all of the white police officers that guard him! they like him and a lot of people like him. Life in the USA would be completely different without MLK He is the most important person in history. A lot of us students wouldnt be here today without his dream and work.

Anonymous said...

I have the longest one!!!

Anna said...

i think i beat you jayson

Unknown said...

Yes, King's dream has been realized. Many things besides Barack being elected has showed a great leap in African American history. Ever since Lincoln signed the Proclamation for slavery, blacks have pushed forth into gaining rights equal to whites. And as Anna said, if King hadn't done what he did, it still might have been impossible for Barack to become president. I also agree with Jayson. I mean look at all of the white people who LOVE him!! He has white body guards, white servants, and even white limo drivers. Just because we have a different colored skin doesn't mean we should be treated differently. And yes Sarah, I think King was very inspiring to Barack. With King's "I Have a Dream" speech in remembrance, I personally think blacks and Hispanics and Asians and other colored skins could run any country in the world (if they strived for it). And racists should just take a chill pill and just forget about the color of our skin because for four years (or eight) they will have to deal with a black president. (bX-gr6rtz)

Unknown said...

I think that without MLK Obama wouldn't of been where he is right now. I think that MLK's dream has partially came true, i mean alot of people are still raciest and all but most people aren't. I think that With obama being prez and all, we will take one more step closer to MLK's dream, and I hope that we reach that final goal that MLK was trying to reach. I just want to say good job to OBAMA for running for prez, and winning, something no other African American has ever done, In fact none have even tried, i agree with anna in 4 years I think their will definitely be some A.A running, I am so glad that he ran and won, so many new door's opened up to are country.

Anonymous said...

Martin Luther King Jr's speech affected everyone especially Barack Obama. WIthout MLK jr's speech President obama wouldn't have been able to become president. It's a special moment for African AMercians because they are probably inspired by MLK and Barack OBama. I bet Barack was inspired by Martin Luther KIng Jr.

I think that we have come far enough because otherwise Mr. Obama wouldn't have been able to be a preseident because he was black. Personally I think thaat it was wrong the way blacks were treated, I mean sitting in back ofo buses, slaves, BLACK WATER FOUNTAINS, thats just plain wrong. IF MLK jr. was still alive I think he would be thrilled to see how far we have come and I think if he was still alive that he would be the most famous!!!!!! I think everyone will look up to him regardless their race, he's an inspiration to all.

Anonymous said...

Ok. I agree with almost everyone who blogged. I really agree with anna, sierra, and everyone else who agreeded with them.

I don't agree with Brian AT ALL because we would be here even if MLK 's hadn't been spoken. We ust would have been seperated from each other.

I think that without MLk's speech then we wouldn't have had the first African AMerican president. Without his speech then African Americans would still be seperated and would get treated wrongly.

Anonymous said...

I feel that Barack Obama is a perfect example of MLK's speech and dream. If he was alive today I think he would be very proud of what are country is coming to. Barack Obama's speech is highly related to MLK's. King's dream I think is now finally being completed. They both are great examples of people who took great chances for our country. They are both great role models and I have to completly agree with Anna. Obama has changed HISTORY AND AMERICA so did MLK.


-these great leaders are so much the same and I highly disagree with Brian LIKE DARYA SAID- U ARE JUST MAD MCCAIN DID NOT WIN

- think about the situation Brian--- hi Kellie- good job i totally agree with you

Dylan also made a good point we need to go farther- soon i hope there is a female president and maybe also a person of diffrent religion, or an african female

Anonymous said...

Marina I think Obama will be a great president, at least with Biden by his side (he has good experience)

-maybe there is somone better for the job but no one else was elected!

(I think Hillary Clinton will be a good secretary of state)

Feepert said...

Don't think about President Obama winning the election, think about what he had to do to be a nominee. He had to strive to even run for president. So just think about that and all the people who stood in his way all because he was African american. They just care about his skin color and not his skills.

De'Erica said...

Brian C you are totally wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama and MLK do have a connection

Anonymous said...

HAhahahahahaha we won tonite vs. Belleview 48-44

Now hold up Aarti even if MLK did not make that speech u cant say Obama wouldnt be prez rite now. SOmeone would have eventually stood up. But anyway if MLK was here today I belive he would be proud of how far our country has come. Back then African Americans werent accepted in alot of places, but now they are accepted almost everywhere. I got a question for u people who actualy read the comments: DO you think MLK could have run for prez if he was alive rite now? DOn't take age into consideration.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anna, Arti, Sierra, Phillip, Dylan (Darling[ha,ha!]), etc.... I beleive that MLK Jr. and Obama were fighting for the same thing. But I also beleive we still have a very long way to go, I mean there are still people out there who still think of African Americans as salves or lower class scum. I'm not saying that I have anything against Obama or MLK Jr. They did great and not-so-great things for this country--Hey, everyone makes mistakes--but changed it for the better nevertheless. MLK Jr. has made people realise that people are people no matter how they look, and Obama made people realise that any thing is possible, sometimes change is for the better, and has opened the door so more--hopefully good--presidents can pass through them.

Demetrius Jones said...

I think the dream has been realized.People are really starting to wake up and do the right thing. Barack Obama and Martin Luther King had very good speeches and they talked about the same things but mostly about a change.But if it was not for Martin LutherKing standing up for what he believed and paving the rode For African Americans Barack Obama most likely would not be where he is today.

Unknown said...

I think that Obama and MLK were similar because they both made a bold move for change. MLK believed that everyone is created equal and he was doing very risky business and Obama made a risky move because even today there are still racist so for him to put himself out there was very risky. Especially during the parade when he got out of the car and walk the parade route. They are also related because they both gave memorial speeches. And they are both looked on as outsiders by some. (like Anna said). They both feel that they can make a change. I think that MLK would be happy with the way the world is now but not completely, because his overall dream was that EVERYONE would be treated equally. But he also would be happy because the president we have now is African American.
Jacob Smith

Anonymous said...

I agree with all these comments they each have their own saying. Yes Obam, I think is taking in the footsteps of our great leader Martin Luther King. This man is an amazing influence, and we should all follow after him, do what is right, and make the world better for all those new comers. Yes the dream has been realized because do you see the world today? We are not seperated by bathrooms buses even water machines! That is very disappointing. Now we have an ok world but a good solution to the different colored skin. I think it was very foolish of people to treat others that are not very different, just having a different skin color! Now we can look at them as friends...and I like that. :]

Unknown said...

i don't agree with Brian or anyone that wrote something like what he did. Obama and MLK do have a relation Obama stood up, and without MLK's speech we wouldn't be where we are right now in our world, and if we weren't here right now we wouldn't have Obama as are first African American prez!!

Also GOOOOO Obama!!!!!
I am so glab he won

And BOOOO to anyone in this class that thought Obama was going to be assassinated at his inauguration you should be a shamed of yourself specifically Will and kinda Cara even though their not in our class.

Anonymous said...

ok NOW we r back kon topic.I totally agree with Alysha. o b4 i get WAY to much into the topic, ophelia! STOP BLOGGING ON E PERIODS BLOG!!! ITS SO FREAKIN ANNOYING!!!!! ok better now. i so think king would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy! but we just got to keep our like little 3 year olds from becoming soo raceist that they would b willing to kill a powerful African man i thank MLK for his devotion to seced (or ceced idk) from racistsm, and for a day off school

Kellie Hays said...

I agree with sarah and clay. I think that MLK did inspire Barack Obama. Without MLK we wouldn't have come this far, today. I also agree 100% with Heather because of what she said that since Lincoln signed the Proclamation for slavery that blacks have pushed forth into gaining rights equal to whites.

I do agree that different colored skins should be treated. But I don't get it: Barack Obama is half white, why is he the FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT, he's half white!!

Hi Kayley, I also agree with you completly that Obama's dream was a perfect example of MLK's speech. I don't agree with Philip because people didn't stand in barack Obama's way because of his skin color. I think that no one stood in his way HE WON. I think that he did have great speeches and I don't think that any one stood in his way.

Kellie Hays said...

I AGREE WITH MR. VELIZ aka. Jacob SMith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THat is exactly what i was trying to say: basically

O'Healaigh said...

I agree with Jacob because not everyone in American is happy to have a black president thus not fully accomplishing MLK's dream. Obama was very bold to take the risky move of becoming president because of the people out there who hate him. Obama, even if he didn't known it, was just as inspiring as MLK. If anything Obama's dream would to end the war on terror. I agree that during MLK's time blacks weren't treated fairly everywhere and in some places today they still aren't, which is very sad, but hopefully with Obama's rise to office things will handled without violence. Part of MLK's dream was for black and white people to live together in peace and he wanted his people free without any blood shed. If people really hate Obama then they should move to another country because the Constitution says that all men are created equally, that includes Africans as well. Our real enemy isn't each other but the terrorists that decided to attack the American people. In conclusion I think that MLK's dream isn't accomplished but very close.

Anonymous said...

I think we have reached MLK's dream. I dont think thers is much farther to go. Just tuesday we elected our first african american president... in 50 years we have come a long way from differant water fountians and siitng at differant parts of the bus to Presidant. i agree with anna he has really changed america. i have to disagree with brian though i think they have a relation that they both wanted equality even if they did differant things to get them.

Anonymous said...

Wow for once ive got to go with oisin. (even though i probably wont ever again.) We really havent reached MLK goal. there still r racist people amoung us. we have to work together to make people think about how many Aficans have helped America become what it is today: The most powerful country in the WORLD!!!!Why doesnt any1 acnowlede that? especcaly the raceists. they got to belive in a world that includes all races standing hand in hand. WE GOT TO SPREAD THE LOVE! SO HELP ME GOD!

Anonymous said...

sorry 4 the typos!

Unknown said...

ya agree with a lot of people, because everyone is practically saying the same think but in different ways and words. but i am soo glad that obama was the one to take that first leap and win president without him we wouldn't be one step closer to MLK's dream. so gob bless America and Obama and everyone else who has help us get this much closer to achieving MLK's dream!!!!!!!

Feepert said...

Kellie "I don't agree with Philip because people didn't stand in barack Obama's way because of his skin color. I think that no one stood in his way HE WON." Some people voted for Mccain because they were racist, THEY were standing in his way and if enough racists were voting for Mccain then HE would have won. But, I'm not saying that everyone that voted for Mccain was racist, and also maybe some minor racists voted for Obama because they wanted a Democrat.

Feepert said...

Remember guys, don't use your last names. As Mr.Veliz said use your last initial.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Phillip that people should stop thinking about who won and who they wanted to win and what it took to get there.

Anonymous said...

yay Kellie agrees with me... I think they are both very similar( check out my early post for reasons)

I like what Sierra said about we need to forget who won and who you were voting for... u need to answer the question on how they are similar and if you say in no way they are not similar( Brian) well you gotta be crazy

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I agree with what sierra and kayley said you need to stop thinking about who won or who you voted for, either that person won or lost but it's done and over with so thats that.

Anonymous said...

Although many people on this blog look up to Barack Obama and i dont think this is just. Why should we look up to him, even before he has made his so called "change". MLk actually made a contribution to society, but im ot say Obama hasn't. Just not as big of one. For all we know, this could be part of a larger conspiracy and maybe Obama will take over the world. Im not saying this will happen, but i just thinkwe should wait before we make assumptions

Anonymous said...

I agree with Osion because Obama was just as inspiring as MLK even if he didn't know it because he's the first African American president which sends a message out there to everyone that you can become anything you want to, you just have to stand up for whats right, as MLK did.

True Philip I didn't look at it that way!!!

O.K. they were similar because they both are history! They both did something to contribute to the history of America.

Anonymous said...

O.K. I watched a little bit of the speech given by MLK. Obama and MLK are similar because they talked about change, Obama- change will happen. MLK- change with race


Unknown said...

Most have done a good job with this one. Lots of thoughtful responses and conversation.

On a side note - this is not texting or IMing. Use correct English and grammar next time.

I know you are all intelligent. Write that way!!

Good job overall.

Anonymous said...

hi EVERY1!