Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What is the 2nd best option?

Thank you all for your work on your group presentations to wrap-up the first semester. Most of you demonstrated an understanding of the history that we’ve been covering, and of the various options given for this assignment.

By looking at alternative outcomes (the options that did not actually happen) we are practicing what is called counterfactual history. In the case of our activity, it helps us understand what the founders may have been considering before they settled on independence. We do have to be careful when working with counterfactuals that our understanding of what actually happened is not confused. You all are intelligent enough to avoid this problem.

So let’s work a little more with our alternative outcomes. We all know that it was Option 4 that was chosen by our founding fathers, but what if they had made a different choice. What do you believe would have been their best choice out of the three alternatives (Options 1-3)? Why would have it have been the best alternative? Do you think the outcome would have lasted, or would have independence eventually come?

Give serious thought to your answers, and think carefully about the “Why” question. I’m looking for serious and thoughtful responses. As always, I encourage you to respond not only to my post, but to the comments of your classmates.

When you finish this blogging assignment I hope you focus on having a great Christmas holiday and an unbelievable New Year!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, im first! Ok i think that option one would be the best because the other two would be creating tension between the British and the colonists. Option one is a full decision and not second guessing anything, and absolutly not thinking about independence, fighting, or any of that. The option one would be best because there wouldn't be anyway that fighting could occur, and the colonists would have stronger ties with the British and King George.

Anonymous said...

I think that option 2 would be the best because we would not break out any violence but sit and comprimise with Britain. We will then be able to pass laws and tax ourselves. And we would still be in harmony with Britain. And if we do not comprimise our situation would get worst.

Anonymous said...

i also think that the outcome wwould have lasted

Anonymous said...

Just like clay and Dylan said, i also agree with option 2. There is no fighting involved. all they do is sit and talk. And they could have created that British-American council to restore harmony between the colonies and mother country.

Anonymous said...

I think that option 3 is the best because Britain did so many things that the colonists did not like, for example sending troops to the colonies, making the colonists pay taxes without their say. If we just sat and talked Britain would not have given back our rights because they wanted raw materials from us and they wanted us to pay part of Britain's debt from the French and Indian war. If we continued to fight, Britain would have got tired of it that they would have given back our rights. This would eventually would have led to our Independence.

Anonymous said...

I think option 2 would be the best choice for the colonies, allowing at least a small time of peace. Like Dylan said, there would be a small time of peace and compromise to settle things out. With this option I think the fighting might have been halted, and maybe all the people would realize what they stand for and care about. This actually might have prevented the war, if Britain agreed to settle things out with the Patriots.

This option would
-still have Britain giving us protection and being our mother country
-the citizens would have a voice in the government, especially in the area of taxes
-rights protected
-there would be no economic disaster or war

This option I think would provide peace in a civilized way, benefiting the colonies and colonists.

Anonymous said...

I also think the second choice should be option #1. The founding fathers would not have to worry about going to war with the British and there would be peace with King George. The colonist would not have much of a say in government, but they would have Britians support. The British said that they would supply protection for the colonies. If the colonies did decide to break apart from Britian, they might not have as much protection.
I dont think that this would have lasted. I think that the colonists would eventualy want to break away from the mother country.

Unknown said...

I agree with dylan, kedrik, and Keyley that option 2 is the second best option. We could try and avoid war while getting things we wanted like making some dessions for our selves. I think it would last I also think if we didnt choose it second the conditions we're in would have just get worse.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Aarti on choosing option three. The British have been taxing us without our consent and sending troops over there to control us. They also putting the war dept on our shoulders when they over seas pay nothing while we struggle just to pay taxes. Why don't we have a say in this because "if the British wanted our consent on whether we pay taxes or not they would of asked us for it" but they didn't. Doesn't that show you that they ain't going to sit there and listen to you talk about we the people making the taxes and having a say in it. If we sit there we're just going to get taxed more and more til we're poor as dirt. But if we take a stand and say no we would start getting a say because the British would start getting worried about a revolt starting and us trying to get independence from them. Then they would lose all the tax payers over here and raw materials we have to offer. So I strongly beleive option three is the obvious choice and we should stand our ground as english men!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I too think that Option 2 would be the best way to go for the American colonies. They want to be stronger with British and the King and by doing that they would earn trust, protection, and care. They would also win lots of fights with the British because the British navy is very talented, strong, and know alot!

Feepert said...

I think the second best option, would be option Two. Mainly because of what Dylan said, and the fact that colonists would perhaps gain more, without violence. But, there is a gamble with option two, because they might of lost everything.

And if we do not comprimise our situation would get worst. -Dylan

So basicly, option two would be the second best in my opinion, but it would have a deadly cost.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kayley option 2 because it would let the American colonies have some freedom but then they would still be under the British control. Also they wouldn't be against each other. I think it might of lasted but then again the Americans might of wanted some more freedom than they have from Britain.

Kellie Hays said...

I think that the best option would be option 2. I think that this is the best option because I think that option 1 (Restore ties of loyalty) wouldn't have been afective. I believe that option 2 would be the best because we would have a say in British actions. Even if British people didn't listen to us they would know where we stand. Violence would not break out if we just had a say in what Britian did. We should be able to tax ourselves. If we had enough people in Parliament we might have a chance to stop them taxing the Americans. We would have a say and they may or may not listen to us. I think that independence would have come if they hadn't of listened to the Patriots. If they had listened I think that the problem could be solved. and we could remain friends.

If option 2 hadn't worked then I wouldv'e gone with option 3 then independence.
I also agree with Dylan that option 2 would have prevented violence. I also agree with Kayley completely with option 2

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say I disagree with the choice of option 1. I feel that even though Britain may agree to this, and peace might be settled beetween the loyalists. But what about the angry Paatrriots. I don't agree that this is the best decision- to many people would disagree. I still believe opttion 2 is the best choice.

De'Erica said...

just wanted to stop by and say that F period rocks!!!!!!! ALSO why would you agree with option 2. wouldn't you guys rather have independence than comprimise with britain!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

DeErica! This is E period NOT F! (AND E PERIOD ROCKS HARDER!) Why are the people choosing option 2???? 3 is the best bet, I belive that because of the colonist's harsh treatment they shoud have more power than they used to!!!! They should unite and gain what they deserve! They give Britain money for them and protection, but what do they get??!! THE BOSTON MASSACURE! That is something that can lead to unforgiving distrust! So, GO OPTION 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Again i still go with Kayley and everyone for option 2, I still go with option 2 for a second choice. It seems that option 1 and 2 are the ones being picked the most, and the thing with option 1 is that we would still be under British control, and even though we wouldn't have all the freedom we wanted in option 2 we would at least have some freedom, option 1 we really don't have the decision for anything. It's like Britain is like "do this" and we do it. So I'm still for option 2 all the way.

Anna said...

i think that option 2 is the best because i think that because it would be good to try to stay closer to them would be a good idea. one, because they have been "top dog" for a long time. two, is to give them a chance before we try to break away because they might just wake up one morning and realize that they were being complete idiots! three, i think America should be able to tax our self because Britain has definitely not been doing a good job at it! some might say that it isn't a good idea to tax ourselves and still be one with Britain. But, it is say harder to communicate with another small island across a huge ocean.

Anonymous said...

I still agree with anyone who chose option 2. Option 1 doesn't really solve anything. Even when you protest against the King he still won't listen. Option 1 just wants to stay under British rule and be friends.
Ooption 3 says that the colonists are fighting. You don't really want to fight as much as you just want to voice your own opinion.
I still tink that option 2 is the best becuse there isn't fighting involved and you still will get a say in taxation and British desicions.

Anonymous said...

I definatly agree with option 2, because it would at least provide a tiny amount of peace. So instead of fighting, the British and America might have been able to squeese their way out of starting a war, been able to have the right to tax themselves, and still might have Britian's protection. So, the colonists might of binifited more than the British did but there would still be peace.

On the other hand, if the british and the colonists do not compromise, they might of lost everything and war would've broken out! That would only make the situation worse than it already was.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Annna about giving them a second chance to prove themself. Yes, I think that America should be able to tax themself but still be under British rule. Just like Anna said we should give them a second chance before breaking away.

Brian Crews said...

I think option 2 would the best because there is no violence which will cause more threatening war against Britian. Peace will never restored if we choose the other option because it puts troops in life threatening situations. We would have control over taxes.

Can't we just all get along?!!

Anonymous said...

Ug, I guess u have convinced me to go with option 2 cause of the reason that they deserve a second chance to rule them without conflict. But if they continued to treat them unfairly I would skip completely to option 5, GO WAY BEYOND WAR!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ug, I guess u have convinced me to go with option 2 cause of the reason that they deserve a second chance to rule them without conflict. But if they continued to treat them unfairly I would skip completely to option 5, GO WAY BEYOND WAR!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ug, I guess u have convinced me to go with option 2 cause of the reason that they deserve a second chance to rule them without conflict. But if they continued to treat them unfairly I would skip completely to option 5, GO WAY BEYOND WAR!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sorry 4 the double comment....

Demetrius Jones said...

I agree with Kendrick and the rest who said option two was the next best option. Harmony, peace and non violence is the way to go if we want to become a better country. We should settle our differences with Britain and compromise.

Anonymous said...

I believe that option 2 would be the best because they actually wanted to sit down and talk to one another about their differences. They do not want to break the ties between London so they most likely would not fight the British which would not hurt them. They still want to be Englishmen. I don't think that the would get independence but in this option they do not want it. Thats why I think option 1 is the best

Anonymous said...

Im a little late but i was hoping you could give me half credit or something. I think the third option would be the best and that it would have helped more than the other two. I dont think it would have lasted, though. it would have led to independence.

Unknown said...

i think that option 2 is the best way because like dylan said, we wouldn't be fighting but sitting and talking about taxes and things like that. also talking to Britain would decrease the tension between Britain and the colonies because we would be able to tell Britain our problems peacefully.

Anonymous said...

I think that option 2 would be the best because no would get killed. If the king wouldn't listen we could started to boycott but not start a war. Option 1 would lead to a war between the loyalist and patriots. Option 3 would still lead to war but we would be fighting for our rights not independence.