Saturday, September 6, 2008

Are you a good citizen?

We talked quite a bit over the last few days about what citizenship is, and about how we can be good citizens. While we learned that there are certain steps to becoming a U.S. citizen, we hopefully realize by now that being a citizen of the U.S., or any other country for that matter, does not necessarily mean we active citizens of our community or our country.

So what does it take to be a good citizen? As citizens of the United States, should anything be expected of us when it comes to citizenship? How about required? Should citizens of this country be required to serve their communities and/or nation? Or should it be left up to the individual?

Some countries around the world have laws requiring citizens to serve in the military for a few years. Would this be a good idea in our country? How about requirements for community service? How do we balance the precious right to choose what we want to do with our time with the need for citizens to take an active role in protecting those freedoms?

Finally, how important is it that we as citizens take the initiative to learn all of that information on the citizenship test that we took on Thursday? If so few natural born citizens know that material, should we still require immigrants to know it in order to become citizens?

There is a lot to think about here, so take your time and give thoughtful responses. Teach me and your fellow students something.

I've provided a few links throughout the above text. They may help you think about the topic.

Your comments must be posted by 11:59 pm, on Wednesday, September 10. Good luck and have fun!!


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Unknown said...

I think that having good citizenship should not be required in the USA because it sort of takes away rights of freedom to live here (It would limit people maybe). I think maybe good citizen ship should be encouraged though like: cleaning up trash, funding other countries, helping orphans etc.Maybe to encourage it have people sign something asking what they would like to do to help and how they can help. It probably is not a good idea here also because it could cause problems and disputes. And I think to be in the military it should be voluntary, unless some disaster happened and no one wished to sign up for the army. But... Maybe in some countries requiring to serve in the military must be done. About the citizenship test, I think it should be required but maybe for both nautral born and immigrants,offer classes for people to help understand the test and the USA.

Anonymous said...

I think that having good citizenship should not be required in the USA because it sort of takes away rights of freedom to live here (It would limit people maybe). I think maybe good citizen ship should be encouraged though like: cleaning up trash, funding other countries, helping orphans etc.Maybe to encourage it have people sign something asking what they would like to do to help and how they can help. It probably is not a good idea here also because it could cause problems and disputes. And I think to be in the military it should be voluntary, unless some disaster happened and no one wished to sign up for the army. But... Maybe in some countries requiring to serve in the military must be done. About the citizenship test, I think it should be required but maybe for both nautral born and immigrants,offer classes for people to help understand the test and the USA.( SORRY MY COMPUTER FOR SOME REASON SAID MY NAME WAS BOO? )

Unknown said...

Americans should have more oppurtunities to do community service as an option. For example, have something like service zones where in every zone have a building where they meet every other weekend to do a community service project. But, it is not a requirement because some people get so busy with their own lives it is hard to dedicate a good part of the day to work. Kids that do it should get a homework pass for their weekend assignments so that it promotes the idea of helping and they don't skip the community get together to do homework.

I disagree with the thought of citizens to be required to serve in the military because they may not be in a position where they physically or mentally cannot leave home or fight in war which would result in them killed.

I think that every American student should be thaught the things on the citizenship test, wether they remember the info is their problem. The immagrants should have to make a certain percentage or higher because it is almost imposible to get a 100%.

Anonymous said...

well to be a good citizen you have to do something that you like to do and is nice but if the law requires you to be in the millitary for a few years you might want to be in it or you dont want to. you can only do what you want to do which is nice and not let someone tell you what to do in order to be a good citizen. if you are an immigrant you have to do something nice for your country and not be against it and if you are against the country then you are not a good citizen.

Zaneta said...

I agree with all of you. I think that being a good citizen should be a very active person in their community and encourage others to volunteer and help their country. It wouldn't be a good idea to force people to join the military just to be a citizen because, like savannah said some people may be physically or mentally disabled. And I also think that both natural born citizens and immigrants should take the test to learn about there country. It shouldn't count against the natural born citizens citizenship, but it could be like a quiz that each American citizen takes every year to see what they know.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you all. I think that a good citizen should pick up litter, help their community, have a good attitude, and help the environment. I think some thngs (like above) should be required, but nothing should happen to the citizen if for some reason they can't do all of the expectations above.

I think that serving our nation should be up to the individual, but I think that everyone should serve their country at least one year. Like Savannah said, some people might be in a position where they can't leave home so it shouldn't be a requirement to serve your country.

I think that the citizenship test should be required for an immigrant to want to become a citizen because they should have to take it so they know everything about their "future country" but maybe they should have to get 45% of the questions right. But, I think that natural born citizens should also have to take the test but once every other year, because they should know most everything on the test.

Unknown said...

I agree with everyone who said that a citizen shouldnt have to be a good or great citizen because that would limit the people to there rights, i bet for example only maybe 50 out of 100 wouldbe a good citizen, also i bet only a few of us in this class are good or great citizen's, im mean im probably not even a good or great citizen, i also agree with kellie an immigrant should have to take a citizen ship test but i think that they should study in there own country and until they pass the test they cant come in the us in less they use a visa but ya

Anonymous said...

I think Savannah has a good idea about making like community service progect buildings kind of like clubs at school. I think that would be a great way for people to get envolved in the community, and be a good citizen!

I still think making a class for the test (like our class actually)would be great, so everyone can learn the information even natural or not!
Like Savannah said "whether they remember the info or not that's their problem"

Zaneta said...

Yeah I agree, they should have an American history class that everyone should take every once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

I think that having good citizenship should be a priority because it would strengthen our community and bring people together to make the place in which we live even better than it is today. I think people should have a yearly requirement of community service, in which they must do some acts of community service at certain points in the year. Whether it's cleaning up trash, or helping the needy, as long as they make a difference in the community. I think that immigrants should have to take a test before becoming a citizen of the United States because it will make them have knowledge about our country today, and our countries past. I think that even we should have to take an annual test to make sure that we understand our own country. Now the only time I think that people would be required to serve in the military, army, etc. is if there is a huge war and many of our troops are dying and our nation is falling apart. That would be the time that people better be willing to serve.

Anonymous said...

I think that in the usa the people should have the right to pick whether they want to do anything including joining the army. This would totally mess up the bill of rights and other things in my opinion. we should go by the rules that our anestors came up with and have our rights. I thind people should use good citizenship but not be required to.

Anonymous said...

i think that is a good idea about everyone taking the citizenship test every few years and that way they know about their country. i agree with everyone.

Anonymous said...

To be a good citizen you should be constantly involved with society. I think being involved and giving back should be reacquired somewhat. I think something as loyal as serving in the military should be a choice. Though i think a little community service wouldn't hurt anyone. No one ever thinks about our precious rights as valuable until they actually give it some thought. Yearly community service (if participated in)would be our way of showing our appreciation of what our founding father's found so important for us to possess . . . our rights.

I don't think everything on the citizenship test should be reacquired to learn. But i do think Americans should at least try to learn something about the amazing people who built the free country we have today. As long as citizens show some appreciation for our rights, that's all that matters.

Rd65 fg f55 fgjdrf d6ryh (oops my fingers slipped)

Anonymous said...

i agree with Jason that we should be aloud to choose what we want to do (community service,army etc.) I think we should encourage people though to help like mentioned earlier.

Anonymous said...

I dont think we should have to serve in the army, there should be other options instead of that. And like kayley said good citizenship shouldnt be required because it would take away the freedom to live here.

Anonymous said...

I agree with kendrik 100%. people should not be forced to do something if they dont want to do it. if we are in a desprit time of war however and not enough people are in the military then it should be required.

Zaneta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zaneta said...

I agree with everyone else, being forced to do something like join the army would take away from our freedom and it wouldn't show our good citizenship because it would just mean that we were just forced to do something that made it just look like we were good citizens instead of really acting like good citizens.

Anonymous said...

I agree a lot with Kayley. Having good citizinship should be your own choice. If you are a bad citizen then you should be known as one, but you shouldn't be forced or anything to be a good citizen. If you are a good citizen of the United States then good, a lot of people should be like that but unfortunetl some aren't. But no it shouldn't be required. Also, I think people should have to take the citizenship test that have already lived in the Us, because it will show if they are a good citizen or bad. But having to take it when you first get into the country is pretty stupid, because most likely they are going to fail because they know nothing about this country. If you think about it, they are more likely to do a betterjob than people who were born and raised in the U.S. because we just go along with our lives and don't have to take the test and we don't have to worry about it. So it should no tbe required for when you frist move here from a different country. Every citizen should take it every 4 years after the govenor and president change. (for the younger kids the first time kids should take it is in like 6th or 7th grade.)Lastly, I think being in the military should not be required because people don't like to risk their lives, and not be with there family for a long period of time, and it should not be mandatory.

Anonymous said...

If the united states would actually force people to go to war then i would say that they dont care about the citizens.

Unknown said...

I think a good citizen is someone who is honest, doesn't liter, and helps others. I don't that anything should be required to be a US citizen.
I think that we should be able to chose if we want to join the army. People should have the right to chose what they fight for. I think that there shouldn't be requirements to do community service.
People should divide their time like this; 65% doing the stuff we want to do and 35% protecting our freedom.
Some things on the citizen test was important for natural born citizens and immgrants to known but I think other things weren't that important to know.
PS: I think that Savannah's idea for community projects at school are great.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot about something else! With the community service that should be required. Not something major like planting trees or something like that, but maybe like feeding the homeless, picking up litter, helping people work, ect. hat should be required like once a year, fo rmaybe an 1 hour.

Anonymous said...

i agree with pretty much everyone. but some peaple who are over seas should be at least able to visit their family to comfert them. i know it can be vary stressful becouse their family worrys about them getting killed or hurt. i know from past experiance becouse my dad got back in april from being over seas for about 9 months. so i know they have to do their job but why cant they be able to visit their families?

Anonymous said...

sorry some typos!

Unknown said...

Like what a lot of you have said is great cause it's true that we shouldn't have to be a good citizen, but we should at least try. I mean I know a lot of people who are already doing their best to help the environment and their community.

No one should have to fight because its stupid to force somebody to fight when they can't like Savannah had said. We should let people volunteer, but if we're in a situation like we are right now, and nobody is willing to, then thats when they should make people fight. But they should throw them in jail if they won't. If they don't fight then they should have to do a certain amount of community service.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Kendrick. When, they actually make some people go into the military, army, or war, they show how much they don't care because they don't know if they have a wife or husband, children, sick family that is about to die, or any other life problems. But still they force them to go into the war, army, or military. That's just STUPID!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Savannah that people should be able to do comunity service but shouldnt be required i think it should be thought upon as a good thing though, and be being to serve in the military is rediculus why should you have to put your life on the line if you dont want too. I believe that every one should have the chance to do anything wiether its serving your country or community service no matter your race religion or gender. I dont believe that you should have to ace a test to become a citizen if true americans dont even know half of the questions any way, and we should be taught more about the test because let me tell you I would have already been shipped out if I was told I had to take it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

what if they were to send somebody from the US but he didnt like the US and he killed everyone. then they might think twice about randomly picking someone.

Anonymous said...

i think that good citizenship should not be required. But i aslo think that u should do acts of good citizenship even if you are not required such as 25 hours of community service a year. I also think that we should only join the army when not enough soldiers are in it. Also we should make good citizenship a hobby. And i also think that when people come to the US the should take a test right when they get here and then five years later take it again and see if the improve alot and if they dont they should go back to the country they came from.

Anonymous said...

i agree with shane also

Anonymous said...

i agree with shane also

Unknown said...

yay i agree with everyone who said that people shoudn't be forced or just picked to be in the arm or navy ect. they should want to and want to help our country, not because they have to because they want to.

Anonymous said...

i also agree with savanah
because i think that we should have zones were peope have to meet and i also think we should have a citizenship club at are school

Anonymous said...

I think that having good citizenship should be encouraged but not reguiered. I dont think that people shoild be forced to join the army or stuff like that. It should be their decision.Americans should try to do things like community service and clen up trash or other things to help the enviorment.

I agree with Savannah. I also think that it is imortant to know everything on the citizenship test because it is good to know alot about your country.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Dylan, and Savanna. I pretty much agree with everyone!

Anonymous said...

I think being a citizen means to put the needs of others before your's. community service should be encouragd and thought of as a punishment or chore. I agree with Jayson no one should be forced to anything including joining the military.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, i mean should not be thought of as a punishment or a chore.

Anonymous said...

i think oisin has a good piont.

Anonymous said...

not about the typos but the first stuff he said

Feepert said...

"Americans should have more oportunities to do community service as an option."-Savannah i agree with this, because it shows we care for our country.
"I think that in the usa the people should have the right to pick whether they want to do anything including joining the army. This would totally mess up the bill of rights and other things in my opinion. we should go by the rules that our anestors came up with and have our rights. I thind people should use good citizenship but not be required to."-Jayson Jayson i completely agree with you, you state how people have their freedom of being in the army, with greatest asect i would hate to be put into the army. I personally think a good citizen should do what they think is right, for their country, and not abuse their freedom. A good citizen does whats right for them, and their country. -Phillip .L

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Clay about how a good citizenship should be a priority, because that is true. I still agree with everyone about taking the citizenship test every few years and you should have the choice to serve in our military. I also agree with Marina 100% about people visiting their families.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is talking about war and stuff that they probably didnt even read the question. The Question is ARE YOU A GOOD CITIZEN?

I dont think im a good citizen but im not saying im a bad citizen.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Clay. Good citeizenship should be a priority because it definiteley would strengthen our community to bring people together. We as citizens of the United States of America should always have good citizenship to show that we are definitley the country that is the strongest in citizenship. Countries around the world should not have laws for somebody to serve in the military for a few years because if they don't want then that means that they dont want to. People that want to fight for their country, to become a hero they will become stronger. Once one hero in the military in our country steps up then the word will spread and soon U.S.A will have a strong military.

Anonymous said...

Kendrik I just realized that to.

I Don't think I'm a good citizen. I just dont know what it takes.

Feepert said...

Being a good citizen does have to do with war, because who would be in the army if they werent being Good USA citizens? If you thought being a good citizen wasn't being in the army, would you join the army? [/rant]

Anonymous said...

Hey im just giving us something else to talk about. and + you dont have to go to war to be a good citizen. in fact i bet some peoples in the war arent good citizens.

Anna said...

to be a good citizen, it means many different things.... as you can sorta tell every one has different veiws, and respecting that is something every great citizen should do. we should all be expected to do the right, kind, RESPECTFUL, thing to every one else. i think that every citizen should fend for themselves, parents don't have exess time to help there communities, like my mom and dad, they have 5 kids to take to sports, and other after school, and school activities. i don't think everyone should be requiered to serve in the military, i mean, its like wrong, who wants to go and fight, make friends and them die, or maybe you die. Freedom is a gift in our country, like mr veliz says. i think every individual should have the freedom of speech and they should be able to say No [ like what we learned in deps. class]. i don't think that people should learn all of the stuff people have done in the past, i think, that the people should be worrieng about whats WILL hapeen, and what IS happening right now. many people have done many great things in the past that people don't recognise, but important details, SHOULD be like common sense, like the first few questions on the citizenship test, and who's president...ext.

Anonymous said...

i agree with everyone! Especially about not serving in the army. I think now maybe encouraging a few hours of community service could really help us and are country, maybe it would be ok to be required but if someone did not do it then we should not like throw them in jail or anything! I definetly agree with Kendrick!

Anonymous said...

i think that having good citezenship is not that important because it gives us to many limits limits. We want to live in a world with no ability to do anything. but I would encourage this so we would have a good country. and serving in the Army with no will power is just plain wrong. i'm not trying to diss the army but they are kind of mean for sending in men who may die and the family pretty much depends on his work money and will suffer because they don't have insuraance.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the typos!

Anonymous said...

I believe that everyone should have the right to think and act for theirselves. I agrree with"boo" that people shoul be encouraged to do good deeds. And that they should get involved in the community. I think that before immagrants take the citizenship test they should be given something like a book to study so that way they would have a better chance of passing and you could tell if they really wanted to be a us citezen because they would study, because if they didn't study you could tell.( typos are OK right?)

Anonymous said...

I agree with sarah i mean, its a persons choice if they want to join the military, its their choice if the want to go and defend their country, not someone elses. And another thing, I think you don't have to be a good citizen to serve in the military, i mean theres a French special service unit open to anyone who wants to join (including past enemies), and some of the people in it probably don't even speak French or know the French national anthem. Anyways, my point is that you don't have to be a good citizen to be in the military.

Anonymous said...

Sorry the anonymous was me jacob s

Anonymous said...

being a good citizen isn't taken lightly in the u.s. and all people should think more about it. Take our rights for example since other countries don't even have a taste of the freedom we hack the luck to even grasp in our hands. We should be more graceful and think about it then we normally do which is rare. It's really a shame.

Unknown said...

I totaly agree with all of you. If a person doesn't want to be in the military, then they shouldn't be forced to. I also think people (natural born or immigrant) should be required to take the citizenship test. But i think the expectations should be higher for naturalized citizens than immigrants because the immigrants might not know much about our country but we do.

Anna said...

yes, everyone is right. serving in the millitary without a choice is so dumb............ dude, they could like die. it would lower our population also.

but there is one thing wrong, community service shouldn't

Anna said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Kendrick also! I might not be a GREAT citizen but that doesn't mean I am a terrible citizen. that is what the fovernment makes it seem like. Like, when someone who is not a natural born citizend, and has to come over and take that stupid test, if they miss a certain amount, they are like oh you aren't that good enough of a citizen to live here. that means, a lot of us shouldn't be living here in that case! AM I RIGHT?

Anonymous said...

sorry for the typos. I meant to say Government. Well that is what they get for being so mean!

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone who agreed with me!!!! JKJK

Really though I agree with Clay because, "I think that having good citizenship should be a priority because it would strengthen our community and bring people together to make the place in which we live even better than it is today."~Clay he stole the words out of my mouth! I also agree with anna because "i think, that the people should be worrieng about whats WILL hapeen, and what IS happening right now" but i disagree because i do think it is very important to learn about our past so that history doesn't repeat itself

ps: who is feeb and aarti??? pleez use real names or the names we no u by!

Anna said...

erase that last like paragraph!

community service is already required. for like high school, and college. and volunteering is always open at schools. and i guess war is sorta like community service, so community service shouldn't be requiered

Anonymous said...

OH yeah and citizen!

Anna said...

deanne is totaly right, being in the usa is a privalige and many people from all across the world wished that they were here.

Anna said...

savannah....... oh savanna, ok then BRING IT! we shouldn't learn all of these things over and over [ even they are more detailed every year ] i mean like the past is the past, it happenED, ED like the past, in 25 years who knows I ANNA O'MEARA, will be the first/ youngest women president EVER!!!!! [ THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!] and i might change the world, and ur kids world they grow up in.

Anonymous said...

i just realized the same thing kendrik and brian realized

I dont think i am a good citizen but from now on i am going to try and be a good one.

And savannah aarti is one og thepeoples real names.

Anna said...

....dylan funny......

Anna said...

what og mean

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous ( Jacob )

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other people on here, good citizenship should't be required because it takes some of are freedoms away. People who want to do community service should have a place to meet like the other people said. Going into the military should be up to you and not the government because you could put a terrist thats a citizen in there and it could hurt the U.S. if they get high ranking and tell other terrist how to really hurt the U.S. Citizens should learn whats on the citizenship test because they need to know what being a citizen means and what immigrants know so foreign people don't know more about the U.S. than what actual citizens know about there country.

Feepert said...

I am Phillip L., which shows me you didnt read my whole post. And thanks for stealing my Quoting idea. That was really kind of you. You make the best citizen ever. [/rant] SO who is redy for these tests coming up? -Phillip .L

Feepert said...

Ok but i do agree with some of you guys above my post. I think we all have our differences on how we can be a good citizen. Personally i dont know if im a good citizen, because im australian.

Anonymous said...

A lot of ppl are talking about some different things yet agreeing on some things (strange) but still all of the posts that I've looked at have the same general feel , what I mean by that is how we all are agreeing and not disagreeing (which is kinda sad since no one willl say anything to maybe get a good coversationy bloggy thing going that would kinda be cool to read.

Feepert said...

I disagree with brandon cause i am "bloggy". XD

Zaneta said...

I agree with everyone. especially all the people who said that being a good citizen means that they are active in there community, and about the military stuff.

Brandon L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brandon L said...

he he he well, I am just saying what I think you know. I dont really know what "bloggy" is but you know, what ever u say. like just saying if you know something reallty interresting happens.

Brandon L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brandon L said...

sorry about the extra comments i think i click more than once or something didn't mean for that.

Anna said...

wow brandon

Anna said...

i don't understand what brandon is trying to say????

Brandon L said...

??????????????What?>?!?!?! how can you not understand (i was kinda talking to philip) but then i was just saying something for leving a comment then deleting for some reason gosh sorry.

Anna said...


Brandon L said...

what do u mean what i asked what as in how do u not understand?

Anna said...

i don't know!!!! u said sumin very cumfusing

Anna said...

u said "he he he well, I am just saying what I think you know. I dont really know what "bloggy" is but you know, what ever u say. like just saying if you know something reallty interresting happens."

Brandon L said...

if u read the rest of the comments u could see i was talking about philip who was talking bout me (>.<)

Anna said...

oooohhh. gotcha

Anna said...

dude, i got to get off the computer.

Brandon L said...


Anonymous said...

Now Now, lets not be fiesty

Anonymous said...

I agree with every one i think everyone has covered the bases

Anonymous said...

o ya we have the most comments and brandon your rite about how some people say one thing but agree with someone that someting different then what they said

Anonymous said...

So basically i agree with everyone who said citzenship should not be required but should be encouraged

Anonymous said...

O ya we should all try to become good citizens

Anonymous said...

O ya we should all try to become good citizens

Anonymous said...

DYLAN! Why do you have like the same thing about 4 times in a row???????????????????????????????????????????? Everyone has suggested great things! Anna and Brandom, wow that is all I can say. But uuuuuummmmmmmm, we have the most comments and the best one's. E PERIOD ROCKS MR.VELIZ'S SOCKS!

Brandon L said...

well I dont see how i wouldnt be right dylan since like we're not seeing much of anything like that.

Feepert said...

Zomg 96 comments, now 97. I am sorry guys but i get kind of angry at WOW!!!!!!!! and stuff. ITs maybe because ive been on forums. But im not completely mad because then i would be a bad citizen. On topic: "Are you a good citizen?" Well i guess i'd have to ask over people.

Poll: Do you think you are a god citizen? a good citizen (y) (n)

-Phillip L.

Feepert said...

Grrr, you beat me to the post. 98 now 99!

Feepert said...

Yay for 100 posts, :D Mr.Veliz do you think you are a good citizen?

Brandon L said...

philip calm down your gonna have like a heart attack man, 100 posts or not more is better :p

Anonymous said...

woo hoo over 100 comments

Anonymous said...

brandon how come youa nd phillip are always on at the same time

Anonymous said...

brandon how come youa nd phillip are always on at the same time

Anonymous said...

accidentally added that some one twice

Anonymous said...

Now all the comments are about what number they posted them on and talking thats not cool i think we should stick to the good citizen topic

and i think every one has the same idea about not being forsed to do anything!!!!


Anonymous said...

we cant let a period catch us so everyone post a blog

Anonymous said...

we should always have good citizenship and always do some community service

Brandon L said...

I check for updates on this thing all the time so its convient for answering questions.

Brandon L said...

I wonder if we can just talk and talk about (citizenshp of course) stuff and it still count as blogging.?

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Sarah v. because being a good citizen should mean helping out. I also agree with Annonomous whiich is Jacob.

Feepert said...

Well of to bed see you all tommorow. I ran out of things to say -.- Uhm? Cheiving youre goals is being a good citizen because you may be doing something good! Off topic: I will check on my psp later, but i cant reply.

Anonymous said...

i do not agree with sarah v because i think citizenship is very important and people should do community service and other acts of good citizenship but she thinks it is not that important

Anonymous said...

O and i was just thinking about the citizenship test( i tested my mom and she missed twenty) and i was thinking and reading all the comments and everyone is talking about immigrants taking it but i think the natural born citizens should also take it. Natural born citizens should take at the age of 20 and i bet a lot would fall.

If u agree with me about natural born citizens taking the test plz tell me

Anonymous said...

and its "good for the other countries to be required in the millitary" and i dont think we should be required( i no i said that a couple of times) cause we hace the constitution and others socuments saying that we are not required to be

USA RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna said...

wow, dylan, brandon, and phillip. u guys ARE SO WEIRD!!!

sory mr. Veliz, we are so off subject.


GO Wolves

Anonymous said...

how am i weird

Brandon L said...

Anna is right get back on subject peeeeeepls.

Anonymous said...

o its supposed to be documents not socuments

Anonymous said...

hey i was on suybject like when i was talkin out natural born citizens takin the test so be quit brandon

Anonymous said...

lots of typos my fault

Brandon L said...

..................ok what do u mean when you were talking about naturalized citizens?

Anonymous said...

read the last two kindof long comments i left.

Brandon L said...

something about a test explin it to me (it get smore bloggs b period has 116) we are barely have more.

Anonymous said...

i said i think that naturl born citizens should take the citizenship test at the age of 20 to see if the people naturally born here no more about the country then the immigrants.

Anna said...

u left so many comments about nothing.

Anna said...

half of these comments are from dylan...

Anna said...

Anna is always right (brandon)

Anonymous said...

anna is not rite

Anonymous said...

we have 130

Brandon L said...

"blogging" is fun bu ttalking is better I like blogging in this class its really fun does any one else think so?

Anna said...

131!!!!!! wut u talkin bout, im ALWAYS right!

Anna said...

i do, i think it fun!!!!!! (Brandon)

Brandon L said...

anna....calm down ur like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and every 1 else is like either sleeping or like calmy and stuff. but 131 or 133 now or something.

Anonymous said...

u were wrong cause brandon was 131

Brandon L said...

btw anna ur not always right because its like impossible or something

Anna said...

it was 131, when i typed it

Brandon L said...

no i thought it was like 132 or something since when i typed it

Anonymous said...

ann but u posted it after him so hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahha

Anna said...

u never know, i might be an alien from a galexy far far away.

Anna said...

hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. NOT FUNNY!

Brandon L said...

dylan you hang up on me in the middle of the call what happend? and annd idk what u mean about 131 cause it waws 132.

Anonymous said...

anna it was 132 and brandos sry for hanging up on u

Anna said...

i wanted to be 131, but u entered it b4 me

Brandon L said...

an alien ???????????/ what are u talking about ........that's strange of you to say.

Anna said...

dylan: get my txt?

Anonymous said...

she probally is an alien

Anna said...

lol! im just kidding! but u know that woulb be awesome!

Brandon L said...

anna that was the most random thing i've seen on this all day..........

Anna said...

it would be awesome to be an alien, u could travel in space, and u could like transform and awesome stuff like that!!!!! i would wana fly most if i was an alien

Anonymous said...

ya i did and ur random

Brandon L said...

woot 153 comments lets keep going!!!! heeeeeeeewooo!

Anonymous said...

ur an alien not a super hero

Anna said...

Im special!

Anna said...

who says i can't be both......!!! brandon: wwwwwwwwoooooooohhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooo

Anonymous said...

ya your "special" alrite

Brandon L said...

hahaha anna is so funny.....not well kinda idk ur being conusing! hgggrrrrr!

Anonymous said...

i say u cant be both an wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Brandon L said...

dont you have to go to bed (anna) with ur vollley ball in ur arms?

Anna said...

i don't care wut u hav to say!

Anonymous said...

were not even talkin bout citizenship cause weve already said everything.

Brandon L said...

well its nice to talk isn't it whos with me??

Anna said...

how is this comfusing? brandon, ur the confusing one... u do these really weird things at lunch, and in class (water bottle)

Anonymous said...


Anna said...

i'm with u super man!!!!!!!!

Anna said...

hehe just kiddin

Anonymous said...

the water bottle was funny and ann r u the ony one awke

Brandon L said...

that was a fun day *sigh* good times good times.

Brandon L said...

yes its true im sleep typing.

Anna said...

it would be cool, if we all got 100 points because we bloged the most

Brandon L said...

i know super man hes awsome.

Anonymous said...

anna ur confusing

Anna said...

hehe, brandon's hilarius!!!!! me and brandon are awake..... i guess

Anonymous said...

ya it would be cool

Brandon L said...

u guys should have avatars s(pics of an image or something)

Anna said...

How am i confusing

Anonymous said...

so am i i meant r u the pnly one awake at ur house

Anna said...

how do u do that?

Brandon L said...

dylan is sleep typing while on the phone with me !

Anna said...

no, my mom and billy

Anonymous said...

i no im just awesome cause im asleep and talking and blogging

mr veliz rulz

Brandon L said...

well go to google and find image u want right click copy image location and go to ur naem on this sight and click the blue name and then you have to click edit and click paste image location in the place where it says from web

Brandon L said...

aa that ws a lot to right .... i men type

Anonymous said...

o im the only one awake at my house

Anonymous said...

anna how do u not no that

Brandon L said...

not me my sis is being a royl pain

Anna said...

ugh, i don't comprehend? awsum, i figured ur sis. would be a wake cussin 5th graders out.

Anonymous said...

hey r coac is oral payne

Anna said...

how old ur sis, brandon. And earlier about the cussin sister out was to Dylan

Brandon L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

my sister is not that mean

Anna said...

what did u say Dylan?

Brandon L said...

ooooo lol okhehehe maybe i should delete that last comment so i dont look stupid.....or maybe i already do!

Anna said...

she didn't like me.....?

Brandon L said...

yea right (wicked whitch of the west)

Anna said...

woops i missed ur call, i tried to get to it.

Anonymous said...

it didnt work

Anonymous said...

call me

Anna said...

i wasn't talking bout ur sis brandon!?

Anonymous said...

anna call me

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