Saturday, September 6, 2008

Are you a good citizen?

We talked quite a bit over the last few days about what citizenship is, and about how we can be good citizens. While we learned that there are certain steps to becoming a U.S. citizen, we hopefully realize by now that being a citizen of the U.S., or any other country for that matter, does not necessarily mean we active citizens of our community or our country.

So what does it take to be a good citizen? As citizens of the United States, should anything be expected of us when it comes to citizenship? How about required? Should citizens of this country be required to serve their communities and/or nation? Or should it be left up to the individual?

Some countries around the world have laws requiring citizens to serve in the military for a few years. Would this be a good idea in our country? How about requirements for community service? How do we balance the precious right to choose what we want to do with our time with the need for citizens to take an active role in protecting those freedoms?

Finally, how important is it that we as citizens take the initiative to learn all of that information on the citizenship test that we took on Thursday? If so few natural born citizens know that material, should we still require immigrants to know it in order to become citizens?

There is a lot to think about here, so take your time and give thoughtful responses. Teach me and your fellow students something.

I've provided a few links throughout the above text. They may help you think about the topic.

Your comments must be posted by 11:59 pm, on Wednesday, September 10. Good luck and have fun!!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 436   Newer›   Newest»
Brandon L said...

yea yea yea i know "blondie"

Anna said...

i don't wana talk to u

Anonymous said...


Anna said...

wow, it made a new page

Anna said...

r u sayin awesum 2 me/ dylan

Anna said...

i still need help wid du picture thingy

Anna said...

i don't wana talk to u!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

look at all the comments

Brandon L said...

dylan are u there ny one im scared waaaaaa im alone!

Anna said...

is any1 there?

Anna said...

im here

Anonymous said...


Anna said...

dylan, stop callin me

Brandon L said...


uhhhhh well its kinda hard to say

Anna said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anna said...


Anonymous said...

im not callin u

Brandon L said...

lol anna im here if ur asking lolz rofl

Anna said...

every1 is leavin

Anonymous said...

brando u there

Anna said...

u were!

Anonymous said...

any one thre

Anna said...


Brandon L said...

what do you want from me ill never give you the information you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna said...


Anonymous said...

no i was not

Anna said...

brandon's coco

Anna said...

ya, u called me 2 times

Brandon L said...

well ill ask something stupid i can do it for u if u want since ur not really getting it....

Anna said...

im bored, and tired..... *yawn*

Anonymous said...

who u talkin to brandon

Anna said...


Anna said...

no, im talkin to u DYLAN!

Brandon L said...

hang on in there dont die on me soldier!

Anonymous said...


Brandon L said...

why arent you talking to me ???????????waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anna said...

make a wish!!!! 11:11

Anonymous said...

i am very confused

Anonymous said...

brandon u make me confused to easily

Anna said...

yes sir, Captain Brandon

Anonymous said...

make a wish for what

Anna said...

hehehe confuse dylan!!!!!!!!!

Anna said...

anything, but it only works at 11:11, exactly, u missed it

Brandon L said...

edies soldeier btw we've posted llike almost 100 comments congrats guys!

Anonymous said...

y did u just call brandon sir brandon was he like knighted or something

Anna said...

i don't know hampsters have so much energy. the just keep runnin and runnin! i have 2 at my moms house!!!

Anonymous said...

well i am making a wish any way and brandons getting icecream

Anna said...

we are just playing around, go with the flow dylan

Anonymous said...

o cool and brandon hows the icecream

Anna said...

i already had ice-cream, but then i was still hungry, so i had a brownie!

Anna said...

i like brownies!!! DYLAN: how do u not have cafine and stuff??! i couldn't live!

Anonymous said...

o ok so sir brandon hows the icecream and
Queen anna over there why do u have hampsters

Anna said...

u guys there?

Brandon L said...

no ones posting any more???!!!!

Anna said...

haha [ nice name choice ] because they are cute and chubby.

Anonymous said...

anna what are u talking about

Anna said...

yea we are!!?

Anna said...

hampsters and brownies

Anonymous said...

they r cute and chubby

Brandon L said...

hey guys i got 10 minutes waaaaa ill be on any way muahahahaha!

Anna said...

did brandon call me BLONDIE!!!????

Anna said...

and they hurt when they bite u.

Anonymous said...

anna u just said i dont have caffenin i do not no wear u get that from

Brandon L said...

i have 2 cockatiels 1 hamerster 4 month old kitten and 3 year old cat 5 pets bam my hamester bit me b4 and mad me bleed pert harsh chukles!

Anna said...

r u dudes tired?
im scared, im the only 1 awake! exept patches and buttercup

Anonymous said...

r u guys there

Brandon L said...

from the words of justins mouth hahaha

Anonymous said...

im the only one awake too and im not tired

Anna said...

u told me at lunch- Dylan

Brandon L said...

yea blondie u heard me and whos patches and butermilk shakes?

Anna said...

really.... thats amazing. im SOSOSOSO tired

Anna said...

it's buttercup! that are my hampsters!

Anonymous said...

i said i dont drink a lot of caffenine but i have it once in a while

Brandon L said...

i rarely have ny 1 pay attention to me at lunch so i get away with w/e but i just eat and sleep like a hobo w/o food or something.

Anna said...

brandon's a meany

Anonymous said...

how r u so tired

Anonymous said...

i wish i had a hampster

Brandon L said...

my hamsters name is lizzie borden cause she ate the faces off her babies and her mate.

Anna said...

OMG! BRANDON!!!! EW!!!!!!!

Brandon L said...

im scared to play with her after she bit me but i do somethimesthat was afte r she bit me

Anna said...

because it like 11:30.

Anonymous said...

i no thats nasty

Anna said...

i like my hampsters, they look pregnant

Brandon L said...

idk that was b4 i adopted her

Anonymous said...

so who cares what time it is

Anna said...

gross gross gross!!!!!

Brandon L said...

but strangely she did do that omg i was like aww how sad awsome waaaa sadness sdface blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

o that is a great reason to like them

Anna said...

o, it still gross

Brandon L said...

bow chika wa wa

Anonymous said...

im bored

Anna said...

i care

Anonymous said...

brandon ur weird

Anna said...

me 2! r u guys goin out wid sum1

Anonymous said...

u care about time what r u like the time keaper


Anna said...

true dat dylan

Brandon L said...

im 300

Anonymous said...

no not rite now

Anna said...

no, it's like on the bottom of my screen

Anna said...

how r u 300?

Brandon L said...

chiken magnet is wat dyln is

Anna said...


Anna said...

lol, been there, done him

Anna said...

that don't mean im a chicken

Anonymous said...

im not no chicken magnet

Anna said...

and i didn't DO him.

Anonymous said...

hey u guys there

Anonymous said...

u didnt do what

Anna said...

bac bbbbbbaaaaaaaakkkkkkkk [chicken]

Brandon L said...

i posted the 300 hundredth comment

Anna said...

i didn't do u

Brandon L said...

yea anna is a guy

Anna said...

awsome, i thot u left

Anna said...

im a girl NOT A GUY!!!!

Anonymous said...

who asked u that

Brandon L said...

i have to gooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anna said...

those yellow soccer balls are gettin annoying

Brandon L said...

bye guys my dd wants me w8 hes gone maybe i can hold out a lil longer

Anna said...

who dylan talkin 2. now it just me, and u [dylan] and mr.veliz

Anna said...


Brandon L said...

dont u love my extr eme blls??????? (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaa)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Anna said...


Anonymous said...


Anna said...


Anna said...

i thot u were gone

Brandon L said...

i just told you im not leaving yet im being sneaky gosh anna but dylan i dont wanna talk on the phone my neck hurts

Anonymous said...

what im confused whos leaving

Anna said...


Anna said...

brandon was leaving, but he sneaky

Brandon L said...

no one at least i think (you dum dum lollipop)

Anna said...


Brandon L said...

dylan ur freckles make you mystery flavored!

Anonymous said...

o ya brandon is sneaky

Anna said...

im so bored

Brandon L said...

im going to sleep with my cats like an old lady who lives wit hthem *meow*

Anna said...

wow brandon is syco. very sneaky

Anonymous said...

brandon u r weird

Anonymous said...

im bored too

Anna said...

you guys. im goin to bed, im sleepy *yawn*. ttyl. (i think im gunna have bad dreams about feceless hampsters)

Brandon L said...

the correct word is psycho.....

Anna said...

bye dylan/brandon

Anna said...

im not good at spellin

Brandon L said...

almost 11 9 dylan u up for it/

Anna said...

do we have hw?

Anonymous said...

goodjob brandown she is going to have nightmares now

Anna said...

? huh ?

Brandon L said...

guys take a vow a of silence for 9/11 since its almost 12:00

Anna said...

yeah, its going to be sick.

Brandon L said...

brandon's being *silent for 9/11*

Anna said...

yeah, its going to be sick.

Anonymous said...

ok brandon i will

Anonymous said...


Anna said...

y r u guna b silent? nothing hapened yet. we still have 17 more min

Brandon L said...

anna you too!

Anna said...

now im confused

Anonymous said...

ya anna be silent

Anna said...

y we silent

Brandon L said...

silence is golden at the *AMC* movie theaters inc.

Anna said...


Anonymous said...

how he want u to be quiet

Anna said...


Anna said...

r u leaving

Anna said...

im not talking, me typing

Anonymous said...

i knew brandon was gonna say silence is golden

Anonymous said...

im getting tired and very bored

Anna said...

hampsters love wheels, they just keep going and going

Anna said...

mwahaha, dylan tired.

Brandon L said...

dylan nows me better than u anna~~~~~~~~~!

Brandon L said...

****silence is super gold molten lava rock****

Anna said...

im tired to

Anonymous said...

i no ull both the same

Anna said...

im going to bed

Anonymous said...

brandon u r very random

Brandon L said...

im tired gdude and 1 somewat girl(anna) :'(

Anonymous said...

im bored

Brandon L said...

omg rofl almost 400 comments!

Anonymous said...

anyone there

Brandon L said...

im sleepyier than u 2 combined

Anonymous said...

i am bored

Brandon L said...

18 more comments1@!!!!

Anonymous said...

cool im not that tired

Anonymous said...

i no

Brandon L said...

hold on dylan 9 more minutes

Anonymous said...

were close to 400

Anonymous said...

13 away

Anonymous said...


Brandon L said...

were did anna go????!!!!???? she vanished like into thin computer pixels!

Anonymous said...

11 away

Anonymous said...

she just txted me and said she went to bed

Anonymous said...

8 more

Brandon L said...

Anna "BLONDIE"! are yyou therre!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brandon L said...

is she gone to sleep!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

she left

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3 more to the new page

Brandon L said...

ok buddy just you and me in a fight of freedom!

Brandon L said...

400 boo ay!

Brandon L said...

new pge?

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 436   Newer› Newest»